DEITY V.Lav: Intelligent, Affordable Lavalier Microphone

DEITY Microphones recently released a new affordable lavalier microphone - the V.Lav. The unique thing about this microphone is that you generally won’t need adapters to work with different devices like mobile phones, cameras, audio recorders, or Mac/PC. Instead, it intelligently figures out what it is connected to and configures itself to work with that device. Let’s take a closer look and listen!

If you’d like to learn how to make great dialogue audio for your film and video projects, please have a look at my courses including processing dialogue audio in Adobe Audition and DaVinci Resolve/Fairlight, recording sound, how to use the Zoom F8 and F8n, and how to get the most from the Sound Devices MixPre series of recorders.

Links to gear used in this video:

DEITY V.Lav Lavalier Microphone

Lupo Superpanel Full Color 60 - Pro level 1x2’ LED panel light that works great not only as an effects light, but also as a key or rim.

Lupo Superpanel Dual Color 60 - Same as above but without the RGB capabilities and this one has more light output. I only need to set it to about 8% on the dimmer for most head and shoulders shots.

Panasonic GH5 - (Amazon) used for some of the audio tests and a few of the product shots

Panasonic 12-35mm f/2.8 OIS Lens (Amazon)

Blackmagic Design Pocket Cinema Camera 4K - used to shoot the talking head and most of the product shots

Copyright 2019 by Curtis Judd

Music Copyright 2018 by Cary Judd. Used with permission.