Audio Gear,
Sound for Video,
Sound Session
Curtis Judd
Audio Gear,
Sound for Video,
Sound Session
Curtis Judd
Sound for Video Session: Fix Waveform Asymmetry, Gear, Bias Power, Preamp Quality
In this week's episode we cover questions submitted by our little community on how to record and process better sound:
- How to fix asymmetric waveforms in Audition
- Recommended gear for no/low/big budget films
- Sound Devices MM1, Tascam DR-10CS and bias power
- Recording dynamic scenes
- Getting audio from FCPX to Audition
- Why is there such a big quality difference between the Zoom H6 and F8?
Here are links to some of the things we discussed in this episode:
Episode on Microphones:
Audio Recorders/Mixers:
Tascam DR-10CS (not available in the US)
XtoCC (App to convert an XML file of the audio from FCPX to a format that Audition can read):
Sound for Video Session: Why Ear Training is Critical for Audio Work