
Sound for Video Session: Sound Jobs and Recording in Noisy Places

This week we answer a couple of sound questions:
- What types of sound jobs are most in demand?
- Which microphones can you use to record in very noisy places like factories?

Example of how much noise isolation you can expect from the RODE Reporter handheld microphone: 

Links to gear discussed and used to record this session:

Voice Technologies Duplex Cardioid Headset Microphone (this will provide more isolation from noise than most other options)

RODE HS2 Headset Microphone (another headset microphone, slightly less expensive but with an omni-directional polar pattern)

RODE Reporter Handheld Microphone (I used this to record interviews at the NAB show with good results)

Sennheiser MD 46 Cardioid Handheld Microphone (More noise isolation but you have to keep it close to whomever is speaking)

RODE iXLR (Allows you to connect the RODE Reporter or Sennheiser MD 46 or any other dynamic XLR microphone to your iPhone and your phone becomes the audio recorder or camera - also used this in the interview with Paul from Sound Devices above)

Electrovoice RE20 Dynamic Microphone - used to record this session

Antelope Audio Orion Studio Audio Interface

Copyright 2017 by Curtis Judd